5 Steps to Take After a Storm Damages Your Roof in Rockford

roof storm damage in Rockford

As a homeowner in Rockford, it’s vital to have a plan in place if your home sustains storm damage from the harsh winds, hail, and occasional tornadoes in the area. Being fully prepared for anything that could happen to your residence during bad weather will help you feel at peace. But what should you do after a storm damages your Rockford home? In this article, we’ll discuss 5 things you can do if your home sustains roof storm damage. 

5 Steps to Take after Storm Damage in Rockford 

Ensure Safety

Most importantly, you should ensure the safety of yourself, your loved ones, and any of your pets. If your roofing and home sustain damage from a storm, you must stay away from downed power lines, exposed electrical wires, broken windows, and any shattered glass. You should also avoid using any electrical devices if there is floodwater present. We recommend staying in a safe and protected environment and safely inspecting your surroundings before leaving your home.

Document All Roof Damage

After you know that you are safe, we recommend that you inspect your residence and roof for storm damage. You can look out for damaged or missing shingles, dented roofing, cracks, holes, and leaks. We recommend that you take photos and videos of the roof damage. It’s a good idea to keep a trail of documentation of the damage for future use. 

roof storm damage, storm damage restoration, storm damage repair, Rockford

Implement Temporary Repairs 

If your roofing has holes and leaks, you can create a temporary repair by putting out buckets to catch the water. Temporary repairs will help minimize the water damage to the structure of your home. If you find that the damage to your roofing and shingles is minimal, you can potentially cover the damaged area with a tarp until a professional roofing company can make more in-depth and professional repairs. 

Reach Out to Your Insurance Agent

We recommend that you reach out to your insurance agent to better understand the specific requirements of your insurance policy and the steps you need to take to stay covered. Your insurance agent can guide you through your policy and give you more information about the storm damage sections.

Hire a Local Roofing Company for Storm Damage Repairs

A local roofing company will be able to provide you with timely, reliable, and thoughtful repairs if your home has sustained storm damage. Unfortunately, out-of-town roofing companies often chase atoms and they may try to exploit you, cut corners, and provide you with low-quality workmanship. 

In comparison, a local company will be much more invested in ensuring your satisfaction and serving the local community with durable, high-quality, and tailored roofing solutions that will stand the test of time. 

Sombreros Roofing: Your Go-To Roofing Company for Storm Damage Restoration 

At Sombreros Roofing, we are proud to serve the Rockford community with elite roofing solutions that will last for many years. We believe that each roof is unique and deserves a tailored approach. Our roofing team is passionate about providing high-quality roofing solutions and is ready to help you find the best solutions for your home. Won’t wait to help you restore your home to its original beauty and fortify your roofing against the climate. Call us today to learn more about our storm damage repair services!

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